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Conference Committee

Dr. SUMAN KUMAR SWARNKAR, CSVTU, India Dr. Sailesh Suryanarayan Iyer, Rai University, India Dr. Santhosh Krishna B V, New Horizon College of Engineering, India

Prof. Sandeep Saxena, IMS Unison University, India Prof. Poongodi, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Prof. Arun Balodi, Atria Institute of Technology, India Assoc. Prof. SANTHOSH KRISHNA B V, Horizon College of Engineering, India

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Assoc. Prof. Ravi Panwar, IIIT Jabalpur, India Prof. Akash Saxena Central University of Haryana, India Dr. Guobiao Hu, IEEE Mmeber, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore  Dr. Dongliang Xiao, School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology Dr. Filiz Sari, Aksaray University, Turkey Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam, ACM&IEEE Member, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Dr. Piumi Ushanka, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Dr. Kasturi Srinivasa Vijaya Sekhar, Statistical Cell & eGovernance IIIT Hyderabad, India

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icneset@sub-paper.com

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